Republic of Gamers
Craft a gaming desktop app that brand-loyal gamers can always brag about.
ASUS has gaming product line called Republic of Gamers (ROG). They wanted to incorporate story telling into the brand. From the story concept they have decided on, they created mood board to have unified visual language across hardware and software design.
User Experience teams in China, Taiwan and Singapore were invited to pitch in interface design concept based on given mood board. We started with interface for ROG’s desktop app, where gamers can make modifications to their desktop or laptop, from the CPU, GPU, keyboard light, game profile and more.
We understood that our customers have loyalty to ROG brand and we wanted to create this app to be something they can brag about to their friends. I tried to make design that speaks to them and did research on game interface and futuristic movie interface.
Creating design for gamers was not something I was used to. It was quite nerve-wracking at first to receive the brief. Especially we want to create something that looks dynamic, but somehow it has to be replicable for other new pages to be created in future.
After my initial design concept chosen, I continued to collaborate with other designers to improve it and expand to other pages. The designs were then passed to developers to be implemented with animation.