Rebrand and upgrade quick market research tool in form of social media.
Conducting market research is important, especially for people to verify business ideas. But it tends to be time consuming and requires a lot of preparation in advance. Votinc tries to simplify it by creating a platform that is more fun and easily extended to other people.
The team came to me and wanted to rebrand and elevate it to be an engaging and credible looking platform. They wanted to lay the foundation correctly this time. The team explained their idea of Votinc and its business direction. We listed out the features and planned out scope for MVP. While the team focused on getting funding, I focused on recreating the brand and mockups of key screens that the team can use to present to venture capitalists.
The platform initially used green as the brand colour. It dominated the page and it felt dull. I chose to use gradient. It goes well with charts, which will be commonly seen in the platform, to show growth. I created palette of gradients that is expanded from one main gradient to be used in multiple series charts.
Then I shifted focus to building the pages and define interaction flows, for example creating, answering and sharing survey. There were also micro interactions to be considered when interacting with the charts. They need to be consistent although they might look completely different. I had to do many tests to verify my assumptions. I did the tests first with the team, then as much as possible with other people who were not familiar with the tool at all.